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Pet Area
Annie Oakley's Dog Dan
Boy Scouts Bench
Pet Haven Memorial Gardens.
A Special Place for That Special “Member of the Family”, your dog or cat.
For information about pet, burial contact the Cemetery Director. Phone: 352-326-9085
Pet Haven at Lone Oak Cemetery was dedicated in February 2008. This after numerous inquiries regarding the burial of one’s pets, e.g.., could they be buried in the family plot, etc. Our Director researched and found that the State of Florida does not regulate pet cemeteries. We only need to follow local regulations and guidelines. Thus that Special Place for That Special “Member of the Family”.
Burial arrangements are made to suit the pet owner’s desires and financial considerations.
Each owner’s relationship with his pet is unique and therefore deserving of special attention.
Pets may be buried in satin-lined caskets or other suitable containers. The coffin may be lowered into the grave with ropes with the usual funeral rites. Cremains should be buried in urns or appropriate containers. Markers for graves in Pet Haven at Lone Oak Cemetery may be obtained from local monument dealers.

Tradition is that Annie Oakley wanted to bury her famous dog “Dave” in Lone Oak Cemetery but was denied. Dave, beloved setter owned by Annie Oakley & Frank Butler, died in 1923 at the age of 10, struck by an automobile in front of Lakeview Hotel, Main Street, Leesburg. He was buried at the George Winter home in Montclair, Florida.

Matt Winters, of Boy Scout Troop 107, developed an Eagle Scout project to upgrade the appearance and dignity of the Historic Section of the Lone Oak Cemetery in Leesburg FL. The first recorded burial here was in 1867. Matt Winters and the other Scouts in Troop 107 worked many hours to clean leaves, brush, and vines from gravesites and to remove rust and repaint 150 feet of 4-foot high ornamental grid fencing. Local businesses and individuals donated items and money to add an inscribed bench and a four-foot statue to enhance the landscaping of the area.
On May 19, 2012, Troop 107 invited the public to a brief dedication ceremony for the completed Eagle Scout Project. Presenters included Matt Winters and Troop 107’s Scoutmaster, Charles Miller, Esq.
Members of the Lake-Sumter Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution joined the Leesburg DAR in placing hundreds of U.S. flags in the cemetery on May 19, 2012 to prepare for Memorial Day, which honors our military veterans.

Cremains Gardens with St. Francis of Assisi
Lone Oak Cremains Gardens, in the southeast corner of the cemetery, was opened in 1991 and is guarded by St, Francis of Assisi the patron saint of animals and the ecology.
Personal markers may be placed at each cremains gravesite, or if cremains are scattered, the person is commemorated on a black marker.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,…
…where there is sadness, joy;…
…and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

While babies and children may be buried anywhere in the cemetery, there is a Babyland for the little angels located in the (Northeast corner ) area of the cemetery

Cremains Garden
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